What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids to restore a youthful, inviting facial expression. Sagging skin in the upper lids can not only make a person look older than they feel but can also interfere with the patient’s field of vision. During eyelid surgery, Dr. Brace can trim excess skin, tissue, and fat and firm the muscles, restoring a relaxed, rejuvenated presentation.

Types of Blepharoplasty

Upper Blepharoplasty

With upper eyelid surgery, Dr. Brace targets sagging skin that can obscure vision and create a sad, angry, or tired facial expression. Incisions are placed neatly within the folds of the upper lids where they are hidden from view.

Lower Blepharoplasty

With lower eyelid surgery, Dr. Brace can improve the appearance of puffy, baggy lower lids that make the patient look ill or exhausted. The incision is either placed within the lower lash line (transcutaneous) or inside the eyelid (transconjunctival).

Double eyelid surgery

For many Asian patients, their eyelids lack an upper crease. Double eyelid surgery corrects this issue, making the eyes look more open, wide, and alert. Incisions are created inconspicuously within the natural creases of the upper lids.

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Who is a candidate for eyelid surgery?

While injectables and fillers can help solve some aesthetic issues connected with the eyes such as crow’s feet and tear trough hollowing, only a surgical blepharoplasty can correct the sagging skin in the lids that leads to an aged and exhausted appearance.

Ideal candidates for eyelid surgery wish to achieve lasting changes that will revitalize their upper face and restore their confidence on and off camera. Patients should be healthy non-smokers who are not currently dealing with any untreated medical concerns. Lastly, they should expect improvement rather than perfection when it comes to their results, having undergone a detailed, private consultation with Dr. Brace and his team at their London offices.

Complementary procedures

Dr. Brace has a wide range of aesthetic solutions to draw upon when it comes to enhancing the results of your eyelid surgery. He will choose the best techniques for your unique goals and needs.

Fat grafting

Fat grafting involves harvesting fat cells from the stomach or thighs and then injecting the cells into eye regions that require a boost in youthful volume. Fat transfer can be performed in combination with upper and/or lower blepharoplasty.

Brow lift

A brow lift is often paired with blepharoplasty as the combined procedures can rejuvenate the entire upper face, producing a more welcoming, attractive facial expression. Brow lift surgery can reduce sagging in the forehead and brows while improving the patient’s field of vision.

Injectables and facial fillers

Dermal fillers and neuromodulators can help erase lines, wrinkles, and folds related to the aging process. Facial fillers can also boost volume in the temples, framing the eyes. BOTOX is ideal for correcting frown lines on the forehead and crow’s feet at the edges of the eyes.

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Dr. Matthew D. Brace – A career dedicated to delicate, complex facial procedures

London patients who select Dr. Matthew D. Brace for blepharoplasty are choosing an experienced, highly skilled cosmetic expert who performs nearly 100 eye-related surgeries a year. Dr. Brace’s career has been exclusively focused on procedures for the face and neck, allowing him to draw on his extensive expertise when curating the perfect treatment plan for each patient.

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