What is CO2 laser resurfacing?

CO2 laser therapy was originally used in the field by military medics to combat rampant burns and scarring during wartime. Today, the technology is used in a cosmetic setting to erase signs of aging, vaporize unwanted skin lesions and moles, and encourage the regeneration of collagen and elastin, vital proteins that boost the skin’s suppleness, resilience, and youthful glow. CO2 laser resurfacing can be instrumental in correcting the following concerns:

  • Burns
  • Surgical scars
  • Keloid scars
  • Acne scars
  • Moles
  • Benign skin lesions
  • Signs of aging
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Lip lines

CO2 Laser Skin Rejuvenation Before & After

If you’d like to know more, Dr. Brace has made at least one YouTube video. And while you are there, make sure to like, comment and subscribe! For a consultation about CO2 Laser Skin Rejuvenation, reach out to us on our online contact form or call: (226) 702-8830. 

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What is the treatment process, and how does CO2 laser resurfacing work?

When you first arrive at our London offices for your CO2 laser resurfacing treatment, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed to remove any dirt, debris, oil, or makeup. The CO2 laser handpiece is then directed at the targeted areas, administering potent laser heat to eradicate signs of aging and other aesthetic imperfections.

Thermal heat waves from the CO2 device contain carbon dioxide, helium, and hydrogen, which together form a formidable challenge to scar tissue and unwanted pigment. These gasses rip apart damaged skin cells, clearing the skin’s surface of impurities and blemishes. At the same time, the CO2 laser device allows for collagen and elastin renewal at the skin’s deeper layers, ensuring longer-term rejuvenation and a softer, more supple complexion over time.

What Can I Expect From the Recovery Process?

Patients will need around one full week of wound healing after a CO2 laser session. The skin will appear red at first, as though you are sunburned, but this will gradually fade over the course of several months. Once healed, the complexion appears more vibrant, youthful, and radiant. For patients who wish to be socially active as soon as possible, Dr. Brace can recommend Oxygenetix cosmetics to help hide any redness or discoloration after your treatment.

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